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Direct Sales and what they mean for Womens' Friendships

  1. I'm 100% burned out on being marketed to by "friends". These marketing schemes where you get your "friend" to sell under you sure blurs the lines of friendship and client when women need friends most. I think it's sad that the only invites I get for women to get together these days is for sales parties where women drink then buy something because they feel guilty and are told they are supporting this woman's start up business. Yes, women should prop each other up, but at their families expense? And why is it that women are becoming more confined to home due to expensive childcare and lack of family support, and why is it that they are again becoming completely vulnerable and reliant on their husbands company benefits for health health care, long term disability leave, paid time off (yeah right, they def don't get that) and an opportunity to retire someday? Why is it that women with small children are scheduling play dates around sales meetings and are constantly on the phone or email when they should be able to focus on their families? And why is it that it is only WOMEN who are targeted for these sales schemes? I don't fault people for trying to make a buck, I just wonder at what cost? In my workplaces, my benefits have been imperative when I have been ill and workplaces have matched in savings plans and allowed me to plan for the future. I have none of my own benefits now as a self employed small business owner and am completely reliant on my husbands, but still, I don't market to friends and neighbors. I just worry about my families stability should my husband be incapacitated. And I realize all of you "friends" who are constantly trying to sell to me will be offended by this post, but it's not a personal attack. I'm offended by the "system" that leaves all of us so vulnerable. And, I intentionally choose not to watch tv adverts or listen to radio because I don't need brainwashing in my home. I just wish "friends" would also respect that choice on social media and in person, but alas, we are clearly beyond that.

  2. And where are all the companies of men staying at home and selling ties and spandex to their fellow men to make their asses look nicer? And why is it that all of these products market to women's insecurities and reinforce the message that a woman's butt is inadequate if it's not in spandex, or their face is inadequate if it doesn't have this costly product on it, or their belly is inadequate if it doesn't have this belly wrap over it, or their body is inadequate if it's not adorned with this name brand jewelry, or even their diet is inadequate if they don't supplement with this sort of vitamin supplement. It's like women are mansplaining to each other how to be good enough and it makes me gag. What happened to less is more?! Making more money and buying more stuff and acquiring and consuming more material goods that may or may not have been produced by child slave labor is not always the answer to seeking happiness and self contentment, if ever.

  1. You're still in the workforce, just no benefits or security. It's a free country. Anyone can choose to hock their wares at their leisure. My beef is not with staying home with kids, as I love being home with mine too. It's with the marketing to women only, it's with the sales story that inaccurately implies everyone is gong to make it big, when so so many lose in the long term. It's with the friendships that are eroded, case in point this one, with the constant badgering of each other to get tipsy at parties that are perceived to be socializing, but everyone is on edge as they wait for the "social" event to be taken over by someone trying to guilt them into taking their money. My beef is with the perception that staying home and making money through these companies is not working and suddenly you have all this time to be so Present with your kids, when really you're still having to schedule everything around work but without benefits, time off, or childcare, and often staying up wrecked till the wee hours of morning to do the online sales efforts, networking And marketing. It's still a whole lot of work, and women can be more successful at times, only because they aren't in a mysogenistic workplace which holds them back. But why aren't they able to get the part time work from home jobs with benefits? Why aren't they able to to be completely present with their children during their youngest most impressionable years? It's hard to be present when you're constantly divided and tired, and as I see it play out, women are still doing twice the work for half the pay and security. This country has a funny way of showing they believe in family first. And if you really want to make it personal, though I didn't post this as a personal attack at all, I do know what it feels like to be uncomfortable in my own body and weight as I was 50 pounds heavier exactly one year ago and never felt comfortable in my clothes and have had to work my ass off to lose the weight. I still think this is An aside to The emotional damage marketing schemes exert on women. There is no doubt that purchasing new pants gives you immediate satisfaction, but I don't see it providing long term fulfillment or improved health to any women around me.

  2. There is a marketing line that says "this product will improve your life in this way..." . It is often used on me. People reference me having cancer, and how I should go organic, when actually mine was genetically related and statistically 80% chance. It's out of line. People ask how my husbands work is, so they can angle at getting me to sell under them. People are always looking for angles. None of this conversation is a personal attack. You didn't start the company. You just chose to respond to the link I posted, along with others. I think it's fine to have an open conversation about the experiences we've all had with direct sales. I haven't had any direct experiences with you as you don't even live here. I have had plenty of experiences however with LuLaRoo reps here, and it def gets old.

  3. There is no question some people make money in the short term in direct sales. That's not my issue with direct sales. It's the eroded friendships and dishonest interactions in the efforts people make to get you one board.

  4. I was only sharing my experiences with these companies and there seem to be quite a few people out there who have extreme reactions, which makes me wonder if they should be looking within instead of attacking those who question, or like myself, have had constant experiences with badgering. Facebook isn't the issue. It is how people use it, so no, I don't need to isolate myself. I just have to be more selective about who is part of my life. And not to worry, I will be!

  5. I have no problem with you making money how you please. It's not elitist to ask my friends not to try to constantly take my money. It's just honest, and yes, that was something lacking in the last election and in many relationships today.

  6. For example, I don't constantly angle to get my friends children to take harp lessons from me, or try to get them to hire me to play for garden parties. You can attack my personal business, but what I am bothered by is the corporate aspect of direct sales and the abuse of relationships it inspires.

  7. I don't care about relating to most of America. I care about ethics. I care about integrity. And I care about kindness to others. And I care about honesty.

  8. I'm actually concerned about opportunities for women today, as I see sexism ramping up in workplaces, as I see women struggling for equal pay, and as I see women struggling to control their own bodies.

  9. Many people who call themselves friends and neighbors constantly try to sell to each other. I know three reps from your company in the nearest 3 blocks. I respect them by not trying to sell anything to them. Unfortunately, it is not reciprocated.

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